Your Library Card
The Bad Axe Area District Library serves all residents of the Bad Axe School District. Patrons who do not reside or own real property in this area are subject to a non-resident fee. The non-resident fee is $40 per family per year or $20 for six months. The $40 fee is commensurate with the average amount a taxpayer in the district pays to support the library.
How to Get Your Card
Applicants must present proof of identity and current residence in the form of a current, valid Michigan driver’s license or a Michigan ID.
Applicants must fill out a registration form which includes full name and current address.
The person in whose name the card is issued shall be responsible and liable for any and all losses or fees assessed against said card.
Patrons must present their library card to check out library materials.
Patrons may be required to supply proof of identity to establish that they are the holder of the library card that they present.
Patrons with unpaid extended use fees may not use the card of another patron.
Children must be five years old to obtain a library card. Children under the age of 16 and legally dependent adults require a parent’s or guardian’s signature. Co-signers accept responsibility for the return of all library materials and liability for any and all fines, losses or assessments against the library card.
Borrowing Limits
New patrons are limited to 3 items for the first 2 months after they receive a library card. After the first two months, patrons are limited to 15 items they can check out. However, library staff may place limits on patrons who abuse their borrowing privileges by damaging or losing items or failing to return them in a timely fashion.
Placing Holds
The Library will reserve any book or audio book or any Library item for a patron and will notify the patron when the item is available.
Renewing Your Borrowed Items
Items with a three-week borrowing period may be renewed one time. This can be done by coming to the front desk, phoning the library or renewing online through the library's catalog. Instructions for accessing your account online are available elsewhere on this website.
Library Fees:
Copies: 10 cents per copy; 25 cents per microfilm and computer-generated copy;
50 cents per color copy
Replacement fees:
Library Card: $1.00
Library materials: current list price
Barcode: $1.00
CD cases: $1.00
DVD cases: $2.00
Instruction books for electronic format: $5.00
Deposit for reinstating revoked card: $50
Non-resident fee: $40 per family per year; $20 per family per 6 months
Charge for reinstating lost item: $3.00
Fax transmission: $1.00 per page
Laminating: $1.00 per page